Thursday , 16 May 2024

(B ody language   in the Poetry of Dr.Abdul  Karim Radi Jaafar)


(B ody language   in the Poetry of Dr.Abdul  Karim Radi Jaafar)

Dr. Zainab Ali Abdulhussein Al-Ma’moori

Ph.D. ofPhilosophy in Arabic Language and Arts

Accurate Specialization: Modern Criticism

Al-Mustansiriyah University, College of Law

Abstract :

The communicative language between Dalbath and the recipient is covered in ways that are not limited to the spoken language, but rather go beyond that to the production of the emotional effect as a communicative product through the signs of body language semantics in the creative product, which added an enrichment field to the field of studies D. The creative text generates multiple readings according to the receiver’s awareness and captures the Dalbath language signals that produce examples that Dalpath did not explicitly explicitly state, but rather he made them an expression of implicit signs in the creative experience, which may be expressed by a non-perceptual projection from the poet himself. On the contents of the d-enrichment, it may constitute an equivalent to the depth of what is inferred by the poet, so that it will fall from him, or physical signals that provide the text with a creative suggestive card, which is silent about it.

Keywords: (body language, poetry, Dr. Abdul Karim Radi Jaafar).

10 – لغة الجسد في شعر د. عبد الكريم راضي جعفر

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