Saturday , 18 May 2024

Aesthetics of visual communication in post-drama theater

Aesthetics of visual communication in post-drama theater

Dr. Safria  Naji

Colege of Fine Arts University of Baghdad


The dynamics of existence are based on the interaction between the elements of this existence, and this interaction is achieved through communication between its elements, so communication is the essence of its permanence and the dynamic of its intellectual research, which represents a pattern of communication. The first pattern of this permanence is the visual signs that belong to the space of sensory knowledge, and therefore form a space of transmission, received by mental knowledge and analyzes the messages of the receiving, to return them in a conscious form and so forth, the act of communication is based on what receives the communication of the communication, and this is the form of the relationship between man and nature in a clear form through the images of nature, so visual communication is the expressive act that combines the verb and the reaction with the transmission and receiving in one. Communication is therefore the spirit of art and its communicative action, which manifests itself in the appearance of communication and separation, and this communication relationship is made in the form of agreement and difference in the form of the act of individual and collective art.

The theatrical discourse is an act of communication and communication, so it is an art that takes the visual mark as the bearer of all the patterns of its artistic composition, and therefore it is pregnant and mobile together, especially in the post-drama theater discourse we find that it is the space of interaction between the theatrical discourse and the recipient, because it undermines the performance of the language and is done from the performance of the image as the main body and the basis in shaping the meaning and the act of communication and communication between this speech and the recipient. In addition, this theater has collected all the signs of technological visual communication, and the media produced by visual media, so the post-drama theater undermines the power of the word and therefore the aesthetic of this theater is a list of overlaps between all the patterns of existence and the most prominent of which is visual communication. In order to reveal this aesthetic act of visual communication in the post-drama theater: We divided our research into a number of axes and as follows: the first chapter included the problem of research and the need for it, and the importance and purpose of the research as it concluded by defining the terms, and the second chapter was under the title of the theoretical framework which included three investigations:

A-    Aesthetic from philosophy to visual discourse

The concept of visual communication.

B- Visual communication features in post-drama –       theater.

Previous studies

The third chapter is the research procedures that included the research community and its tools and the sample of research and chapter iv contained the results and conclusions of the research and its proposals and concluded the research with a summary in English, and then the list of sources and references. . Some of the most important conclusions of the research are:

A- Visual image is the bearer of excitement and response. to the act of receiving in this theater

B-The entity of the aesthetic act in this theater is purely visual.

C-The nature of visual communication in this theatrical direction is important for technological receiving techniques.

Key words: (aesthetics, communication, visual, theater, drama) .

2-جـمـالـيـات الاتـصـال الـبصـري فــي مــسـرح مــا بــعــد الـــدرامــا

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