Thursday , 25 April 2024

The degree to which biology teachers in middle school possess the skills of productive thinking

The degree to which biology teachers in middle school possess the skills of productive thinking

Researcher Mowafak Ali Dafar Awaid, Sumer University / College of Basic Education
Dr. Muhammad Jassim Abdul Amir, Waist University / College of Education for Pure Sciences




The aim of the research was to identify the degree to which biology teachers possess productive thinking skills, and the research community consisted of all biology teachers in middle school, the sample was chosen randomly and the research sample consisted of (200) teachers and schools (100) males and (100) females. The descriptive approach, to achieve the research objectives and formulate the paragraphs of the Productive Thinking Scale, which consists of (55) items distributed into seven areas as follows (the skill of simplification, the skill of justification, the skill of deduction, the skill of assumption, the skill of fluency, the skill of flexibility, the skill of originality), then verification From the validity of the test (apparent validity and validity of construction), and reliability was found using the Faker and Nabakh equation, measures were applied to the research sample , The researcher used the statistical bag (spss), The results indicated that ,The naked brush:

  • The degree of productive thinking among the members of the research sample from biology teachers for the preparatory stage in Dhi Qar governorate is a statistically significant function of (0.05), and this means a difference between Medians.
  • The differences between the averages of the study sample’s estimates of the level of productive thinking according to the gender variable, and by using the second test (t-test) for two independent samples with a level of statistical significance (0,05), The result is in favor of the male teachers The Mirror (Iraq).
  • The differences between the averages of the study sample estimates of the level of productive thinking according to the experience variable is that there is a difference of statistical significance at the level of statistical significance (0,05), He used the (ONE WAY ANOVA) To perform a dimensional comparison between the arithmetic means.

Key words: (degree of practice, productive thinking skills, biology teachers, middle school).

8- درجة امتلاك مدرسي علم الاحياء في المرحلة الاعدادية لمهارات التفكير المنتج

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